Thursday Oct 10, 2024
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
Meet and greet at 5:30
Forum begins at 6:00
Otsego Prairie Center
8899 Nashua Ave NE
Debbi Rydberg
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This event is open to the public and you are encouraged to attend to learn more about the candidates running for the City of Otsego.
There is only one moderator per forum, and they are not functioning in a personal capacity, but as a chamber representative. The questions are based on responses from members about topics that are important to them. All questions will be asked by the moderator and a time limit will be given. A timekeeper will keep time for the candidates. The moderator may ask a question on that topic. The forum will be recorded, and it will be widely shared to help voters understand the issues and the candidates.
The Elk River Area Chamber does not assume any party affiliation, nor do we endorse any candidate. We are hosting this forum to provide information about the candidates to the public. All candidates registered with the Secretary of State’s office have been invited.
Since this is a public information forum and not a campaign event, we respectfully request that all candidates and their supporters not display campaign literature or wear campaign insignia, including signs, buttons, or lapel pins during the forum. Candidates are welcome to bring family members and supporters who will regard the other candidate(s) with the same respect they expect that candidate's family and supporters to use regarding their candidate.
You do NOT need to register for this event.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Elk River Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
509 Highway 10, Elk River, MN 55330 – (763) 441-3110 –