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Local Updates for the Elk River Region

This executive summary provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the Elk River Region, spanning infrastructure, business, housing, and community engagement.
Chamber Board Annual Retreat:
In September, the Chamber Board held its annual retreat, laying the groundwork for a new program of work. Initiatives include the establishment of a Leadership Alumni Group and the introduction of an Otsego Business Council, underscoring the chamber's commitment to innovative programming. Additional goals include completing an update for the outside of the chamber office, identifying additional staffing needs and updating the look and content of the weekly newsletter. 
MnDOT’s 169 Redefine Project:
MnDOT’s 169 Redefine project successfully concluded its second year, achieving timely milestones. Year three is scheduled to commence in spring 2024, with the final phase transforming the last signal into an interchange at Main St. Collaboration with the City's Planning staff is underway to address sign ordinance changes, while efforts to designate the corridor as a freeway progress to enhance visibility and signage opportunities.
Cool Jobs Tour:
The recent Cool Jobs Tour showcased local manufacturing opportunities, providing over 50 attendees with firsthand exposure. Notable participation from CDI, Solors Optional Axis, Gradient Technology, and Metal Craft highlighted the success of the event, aligning with the spirit of Minnesota Manufacturing Month.
Zimmerman Business Council:
The Zimmerman Business Council continues to foster connections among local businesses, with over 120 participants in the past six months. A Holiday social event is planned for December 13th at Papa Italians, reinforcing the Council's commitment to community networking.
Chamber Workshops:
Chamber-led workshops on ESST legislation compliance drew over 60 small business attendees, reflecting proactive efforts to support local businesses. Plans for a subsequent workshop on the new Paid Leave legislation in the coming year indicate sustained commitment to education and assistance for businesses in the region.
Sherburne County Housing Summit:
The inaugural Sherburne County Housing Summit, co-hosted by the chamber, focused on critical housing development issues. Identified themes, such as reducing barrier costs, maximizing tax incentives, and streamlining permitting processes, underscore the collective commitment to addressing housing gaps in the region.
City of Elk River:
The City of Elk River's ongoing refinement of Home-Based Business ordinances emphasizes a balanced approach to community development, considering permits, building standards, and neighborhood impacts. The chamber has engaged in providing feedback for an updated sign ordinance for the 169 highway business corridor due to visibility changes along that corridor.  A workshop for business owners will be held in January. 
 Awards and Recognition:
The recent Elk River Area Chamber luncheon honored outstanding businesses and volunteers, showcasing the community's dedication to excellence. Notable recipients included 101 Market, Elk River Star News, Edge Bar + Boutique, Cornerstone Auto Group, and Dexter Hanson, recognized as the Young Professional of the Year. Volunteers of the Year were also recognized: Bill Hannay, Jessica Barthel and Ryan Hardin. 
Upcoming Dates:
Stay informed about upcoming events, including the United Way's event: United We Shiver on February 10 at Big Lake, ERACC Chamber Big Event on March 21, and the ERACC Chamber Golf Tournament on June 27 at Elk River Golf Course.
This update reflects the region's progress and collaborative efforts across diverse sectors, highlighting a vibrant and engaged Elk River community poised for continued growth.

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