Date and Time
Friday Jun 14, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CDT
Friday June 14th at noon
$35 for members and their guests
You are Invited to Celebrate Leadership!
- Be inspired by Keynote speaker Teresa Cleveland
- Connect with Community Leaders
- Congratulate the graduates of the 2024 Community Leadership class.
- Learn about the launching of a new Leadership program
- Get an update on the chamber's Volunteerism Project
Inspire. A lunch, Keynote Speaker Teresa Cleveland, a career development coach, and expert on leadership will present on individual and team development and how to spark lasting change at work. Teresa Cleveland is an expert on the art of inspiration and transformation.
Connect. Meet with other community leaders as we join in welcoming the new graduates the Community Leadership Program.
Learn. Hear from class presenters and an update on other Leadership Programming available through the chamber.
The Elk River Area Chamber has been training businesspeople to become community leaders for over 25 years. Since then, over 380 participants have completed the requirements of the course and have utilized their leadership training by running for public office, serving on city commissions, leading local non-profit groups, volunteering on local boards of directors and becoming valuable leaders in their own companies. Strong leaders help drive a strong and diverse community for all.